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Most webhosting plans actually include a free TeamSpeak 3 or Mumble server. Both of these free options never expire and have all the same benifits of the paid versions as long as you have a webhosting plan with us. If you want a larger size than what is provided for free it is possible at a significantly lower price than even our lowest plans on our site.
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People that put our banners on their active moderate-high traffic blog or website will also get a free voice or web server that doesn't expire as long as your website/blog remains active and popular. Simply contact support with your website's URL and we will provide the servers.
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To get these free servers read the rest of the page.
What limitations are there?
What isn't included in these free servers.
- If you only have free services you will not qualify for any type of support and all tickets / live chats will be ignored to free up lines for paying customers.
- Uptime will not be guaranteed on any free server.
- Your bandwidth is lower priority. So there might be occasional lag.
- No DDoS protection guarantees. Some of the free accounts may be placed on servers that DO NOT have full DDoS protection since those systems and upkeep cost us quite a bit.
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- Free servers set up with bogus info will be deleted. Make sure you use a working email and real address/info.
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If you understand all of the above then click on or . Why is the link buried right here? Because we want to make sure people have actually read this. We don't want you to be disappointed with the free server and want you to be prepared.
If at anytime you want to upgrade your free server to a paid one you can do so instantly on our upgrade page. Once you have upgraded you will instantly have all of the benefits of our normal paying customers such as...
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