Stripline Slot Antenna
FIELD: radio engineering, communication.
Abstract: Slot apertures in metallic ground planes are very attractive candidates for conformal antenna applications. However, a low-profile unidirectional antenna requires a backreflector close to the slot aperture and the resulting stripline feed causes strong excitation of parallel-plate modes. Strip line fed tapered slot antenna has gained the importance because of its ability to produce large impedance bandwidth. A tapered slot antenna uses a flared slot line etched on a dielectric substrate to produce an end-fire pattern from a surface wave. A novel, miniature balanced antipodal printed slot antenna for ultra‐wideband applications is proposed. The antenna is fed by strip‐line with a fork‐like stub. By employing balanced antipodal structure, not only good omnidirectional performance but also compact size is achieved.
SUBSTANCE: circular polarisation slit stripline leaky-wave antenna includes a dielectric substrate, on the lower metal-coated side of which there is a spiral-shaped microstrip feed line, and on the top metal-coated side of which there are main slit radiators twisted on a spiral around the geometric centre of the antenna and having straight and curved segments of different length; on the top metal-coated side of the dielectric substrate between the main slit radiators there are additional slits with a shorter electrical length than that of the main slit radiators; the additional slits are not connected to the main slit radiators and are in form of concentric arcs arranged around the geometric centre of the antenna or in form of spiral sections.
EFFECT: improved technical characteristics of the antenna, specifically: low elliptic coefficient, improved suppression of cross-polarisation and wider operating frequency range.
2 cl, 11 dwg
The invention relates to antenna engineering, namely to slit strip antennas resulting wave with circular polarization, and can be used for receiving signals of Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), including GLONASS, GPS, GALILEO, and OmniSTAR.
Technical requirements for receiving GNSS antennas vary depending on the destination receivers. For precision Metrology applications GNSS required broadband sebenarnya receiving antenna having a stable phase center characteristics a perfect right circular polarization and the suppression of multipath. In addition, it is desirable that the antenna high-precision positioning was low profile.
Famous slot spiral antenna with integrated transformer and feeder [US Patent 5,815,122, Filed: Jan. 11, 1996, Pub. Date: Sep.29, 1998]. The antenna is made on a dielectric substrate, on which both sides suffered conductive layer. In the upper conductive layer is made of a spiral slit line (SL)and the lower spiral microstrip line (MPL). Spiral XL Mat and twisted from the antenna edge to its center. The spiral Mat passes between the spirals SL. The upper conductive layer is grounded and the screen Mat. In this design the MICROSTRIP antenna is a feeder and performs the functions of the transformer resistance. This ant the nna has circular polarization.
The disadvantages of such antennas are high coefficient of ellipticity (expressed in dB) and large irregularity of the phase diagram directional in the azimuth plane, which limits the application of this antenna GNSS navigation signals.
Another well-known invention is the slit strip antenna leaky waves [US Patent 2002/0067315 Al, Filed: 16 Aug., 1999, Pub. Date: 6 Jun., 2002]. The antenna is made on a dielectric substrate with double-sided metallization. In the metal the upper side of the dielectric substrate is made resonant slot radiators. The electrical length of the slot radiators is configured for the desired operating frequency range of the antenna. For the formation of right or left circular polarized slot radiators swirling around the geometric center of the antenna, respectively provintsii or levobunolol spiral. Slit emitters can include straight and curved segments of equal or different length. On the lower metallized side of the dielectric substrate is made of lead Mat, inner part of which forms an arc. One end of the MICROSTRIP is connected with the feeder, and the other loaded on the active resistance equal to the impedance of MICROSTRIP lines to be formed in the MICROSTRIP traveling wave. The position of the connection points of the feeder and active resistance on the determined desired right or left circular polarization.
The disadvantages of such antennas are high coefficient of elongation and a low level of suppression of the cross-polarization. In addition, feeding Mat, made in the shape of an arc, it is not possible to provide strong inductive relationship with slit emitters needed to extend the operating frequency range of the antenna.
Most similar in essential characteristics is slit strip antenna leaky waves from the radiating structure, including fractal loop [Patent WO 2007/009216 Al Filed: 19 July 2005, Pub. Date: 25 January 2007]. The antenna is made on a dielectric substrate with double-sided metallization. On the upper side of the substrate in the metal made the basic resonant slot radiators, spiral twisted around the geometric center of the antenna. Main slit emitters begin in the Central region of the substrate and end in communication with an additional resonant slot radiators made on the edge of the dielectric substrate and called fractal loops. Gap core and additional emitters are interconnected. The electrical length of the main slot radiators, and an additional slit emitters are configured on the operating frequency range of the antenna.
On the lower metallized side of the dielectric substrate is made of lead was stolen the Naya Mat with several strands. Mat emerges from the center of the antenna and is twisted in a spiral around the geometric center of the antenna so that, crossing the projection of all the slot radiators on the bottom side of the antenna, to provide the desired coupling coefficient between the MICROSTRIP lines and emitters. Implementation lead Mat in the form of a coil with multiple turns can increase the inductive coupling MICROSTRIP resonance slit emitters and thereby extend the operating frequency range of the antenna. In addition, the implementation of MICROSTRIP feed in the form of a few turns of the spiral, the direction of twist which is determined by the required type circular polarization, allows to increase the level of suppression of the cross-polarization.
This slit strip antenna leaky wave with circular polarization is broadband, sabnapravlenii, low profile, has a single phase center coincident with the geometric centre of the antenna. However, the operating frequency range of the antenna is limited. This is because to extend the operating frequency range of this antenna it is necessary to further increase the inductive coupling MICROSTRIP feed with slit emitters. In this antenna, it is difficult, because you must either shift the slit emitters, or change the parameters of the spiral MICROSTRIP feed. Offset emitters etc which leads to poor performance optimally tuned antenna, and changing the pitch of the helix leads to a change in its length, so as to provide connection between the MICROSTRIP feed with all slot radiators. The change in the length of the MICROSTRIP feed leads to inconsistency of its interaction with slit emitters that are configured on the edge of the operating frequency range of the antenna, and, consequently, to poor performance of the antenna.
The technical result of the invention is to improve the technical characteristics of the antenna, in particular: reducing the coefficient of ellipticity, increasing suppress cross-polarization and the extension of the operating frequency range.
This technical result is achieved by the fact that in the inventive antenna containing dielectric substrate on the lower metallized side of which is made of lead MICROSTRIP, having a spiral shape, and the upper metallized side of the main resonant slot radiators, spiral twisted around the geometric center of the antenna and including straight and curved segments of different lengths, it is new that the upper metallized side of the dielectric substrate between the main slit emitters made additional slit with less electrical length than the electrical length of the main slot radiators. Additional slots are not connected with the OS is ESD slotted emitters and made in the form of concentric arcs, located around the geometric center of the antenna, or in the form of segments of spirals. On the lower metallized side of the dielectric substrate is made of microstrip conductors, which are connected by one end with the outer turn of the spiral MICROSTRIP feed and pass under the main slot radiators.
The difference between the claimed antenna from the closest analogue is that on the top metallized side of the dielectric substrate between the spiral twisted main slit emitters made additional slit with less electrical length than the electrical length of the main slot radiators. Additional slits are either in the form of concentric arcs, located around the geometric center of the antenna, either in the form of segments of spirals and not connected with the main slit emitters. On the lower metallized side of the dielectric substrate is made of microstrip conductors, which are connected by one end with the outer turn of the spiral MICROSTRIP feed and pass under the main slot radiators.
Thanks to the additional slits made in the metal of the upper side of the dielectric substrate, the antinodes of the microwave current N-waves more evenly distributed along the main slot radiators of the antenna, which leads to the decrease of the coefficient of ellipticity of the year and the increase in the suppression of cross-polarized antenna. In addition, the implementation of additional cracks with less electrical length than the electrical length of the main slot radiators, allows you to shift the resonance frequency of the additional slots in the higher frequency region, thereby eliminating their influence on the formation of the bottoms of the antenna operating frequency range. Execution on the lower metallized side of the dielectric substrate microstrip conductors connected at one end with the outer turn of the spiral MICROSTRIP feed and passing under the main slot radiators, allows you to enhance the inductive coupling MICROSTRIP feed with the main slit emitters. Thanks a stronger connection lead Mat with the main slit emitters becomes possible to expand the operating frequency range of the antenna. In addition, the implementation of microstrip conductors connected at one end with the outer turn of the spiral MICROSTRIP feed and passing under the main slit emitters allows you to adjust the amount of inductive coupling MICROSTRIP feed with each main slot radiator separately by changing the length of some additional microstrip conductors, without changing the parameters of the entire spiral, which allows to improve the technical characteristics of the antenna.
The invention is illustrated figure 1-11. These illustrats and is a partial explanation of the proposed antenna and do not reflect all aspects of the application completely. In particular, figures 1-11 shows the antenna with right-circular polarization.
Captions to figures
Figure 1. The upper side of the dielectric substrate of the inventive antenna with additional slits made in the form of concentric arcs around the geometric center of the antenna.
Figure 2. The upper side of the dielectric substrate of the inventive antenna with additional slits made in the form of segments of spirals.
Figure 3. The lower side of the dielectric substrate of the inventive antenna.
Figure 4. The upper side of the dielectric substrate of the inventive antenna with additional slits made in the form of concentric arcs around the geometric center of the antenna and located near the end of the main slot radiators.
Figure 5. Comparison of standing wave ratio voltage for the antenna with additional slots (73) and without additional slots (74).
6. The frequency dependence of the gain (relative to isotropic radiator) at the Zenith of the claimed antenna, where the 75 - to-right, 76 - left-circular polarization.
7. Amplitude radiation pattern of the proposed antenna in the frequency ranges of the LI, L2 and L3, where 77, 79, 81 - right, 78, 80, 82 - left-circular polarization.
Fig. The dependence of the ellipticity coefficient of the proposed antenna from the elevation angle Θ at a frequency of 1575 MHz and when is the change of the azimuthal angle φ from 0° to 360°.
Fig.9. The dependence of the gain of the proposed antenna relative to an isotropic radiator) from the elevation angle Θ at a frequency of 1202 MHz when the change of the azimuthal angle φ from 0° to 360°, where 83 - right, 84 - left-circular polarization.
Figure 10. The dependence of the gain of the proposed antenna relative to an isotropic radiator) from the elevation angle Θ at a frequency of 1227.6 MHz when the change of the azimuthal angle φ from 0° to 360°, where 85 - right, 86 - left-circular polarization.
11. The dependence of the gain of the proposed antenna relative to an isotropic radiator) from the elevation angle Θ in the frequency 1575.4 MHz when the change of the azimuthal angle φ from 0° to 360°, where 87 - right 88 - left-circular polarization.
In figure 1, figure 2 and figure 4 shows some examples of the upper side, and figure 3 is a bottom side of the dielectric substrate (1) declare slot-strip antenna leaky wave with circular polarization. The dielectric substrate has a double-sided metallization. In the metal of the upper side of the substrate is made resonant slotted main emitters, twisted in a spiral around the geometric center of the antenna, which coincides with its phase center. The direction of spin is determined by the desired right or left circular polarization.
The number of main slit emitters can the t to be arbitrary. In particular, figure 1, figure 2 and figure 4 shows embodiments of the antenna from the twelve main slit emitters. Twisted spirally slotted main emitters can include direct(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) and curved(14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25) segments of equal or different length.
The geometric length of the main slot radiators can be equal or different from each other. It is approximately equal to the half wavelength (λ/2) or wavelength (λ) N-type, propagating in the planar waveguide emitters of the proposed antenna. This λ/2 or λ can be determined for an arbitrary frequency within the operating frequency range of the antenna. In particular, figure 1 and figure 2 shows the antenna operating on the wave of fashion fluctuations. The most long key slot radiators are tuned approximately to the frequency of 1150 MHz, and the most short - 1620 MHz.
Between the main slit emitters made additional cracks. They are not connected with the main slit emitters. Between the main slit emitters and additional slits is always the metallized area of the dielectric substrate, the width and length of which may vary for different main slit emitters and different additional cracks.
Additional slits may be made in the form of conc the ical arcs around the geometric center of the antenna (1, 4) and also in the form of segments of helices (figure 2). Additional slits have different electrical length. Most short additional slots are located closer to the center of the antenna and marked: 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 in figure 1, and 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 figure 2. Closer to the edge of the antenna additional cracks longer (position not defined)than in the Central part of the antenna. This is due to the fact that the main slot radiators are made in the form of segments of a spiral and twisted around the geometric center of the antenna. However, the electrical length of the longest additional slits is less than the electrical length of the shortest main slot radiators. Therefore, the resonance frequency of the additional slots are in the higher frequency range and virtually no effect on the inductive coupling of the main slit emitters with MICROSTRIP feed in the working frequency range of the antenna. It shows figure 5, which shows the frequency dependence of the measured standing wave ratio voltage (VSWR) of the antenna with additional slots (73) and without additional slots (74).
The number of additional slots and their location between the main slit emitters can be arbitrary. In particular, figure 4 shows one of the embodiments the upper side of the antenna, when more is positive slit made in the form of concentric arcs around the geometric center of the antenna and located between spiral twisted main slit emitters only near their end. This positions 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 shows only a portion of the slits made in the form of concentric arcs of different radius.
The antenna can also be applied to the mounting holes (72) and plated holes (71) to suppress surface waves.
On the bottom side of the dielectric substrate of the inventive antenna (figure 3) is made of lead Mat, having the form of a spiral. Spiral MICROSTRIP begins at the geometric center of the antenna (38) and twisted around him in such a way to intersect the projection of the main slit emitters on the bottom side of the antenna. The direction of twist of the spiral is determined by the required type circular polarization. In particular, the feeding MICROSTRIP lines shown in figure 3, is performed for the antenna with right-circular polarization.
The number of turns of the spiral MICROSTRIP may be different. In particular, figure 3 shows a feeding Mat with two turns of the spiral. To establish the mode traveling wave MICROSTRIP loaded on resistance (63), is equal to the wave impedance of MICROSTRIP lines. To extend the operating frequency range of the MICROSTRIP antenna at the end of the spiral (62) can be connected to the screen on the upper metallized side.
The wave impedance at the input MICROSTRIP may differ from the wave resistance of a spiral MICROSTRIP and be consistent with it by using a smooth or step is transformatora resistance. In particular, figure 3 shows a MICROSTRIP with a smooth wave transformer resistance (65).
Microstrip conductors on the lower metallized side of the dielectric substrate are indicated by positions: 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61. Microstrip conductors are connected at one end with the outer turn of the spiral (64) and pass under the main slit emitters. The number of microstrip conductors can be arbitrary, i.e. they can be held under all major emitters, and selectively. Microstrip conductors can be made in any form and include straight and spiral sections. Microstrip conductors can be made equal or different length. Figure 3 shows a special case, when the microstrip conductors on one end distance (R) from the center of the antenna (shown in dashed line).
With the help of the proposed new technical solutions can significantly improve the technical characteristics of the inventive slot-strip antenna leaky wave with circular polarization. In particular, the measured VSWR one of the designed antenna is not more than 1.5 in the frequency range from 1.13 to 1.66 (GTZ) (figure 5). While the inventive antenna is low profile, has a single stable phase center coincident with the geometric centre of the antenna, the izkuyu the coefficient of ellipticity (Fig) and a high level of suppression of the cross-polarization as in the working frequency range (6), and within the working range of angles (7, 9-11), where Θ=0 is the Zenith NAM antenna.
The antenna operates as follows. Microwave signal with circular polarization is taken resonance main slit emitters, twisted in a spiral around the geometric center of the antenna. The electrical length of the main emitters are configured to the required operating frequency range. Thanks to the additional slits in the top metallized side of the dielectric substrate, improves the coefficient of ellipticity of the antenna and increases the suppression of cross-polarization, which increases the resistance of the antenna to multipath. In addition, to suppress multipath antenna placed in a special screen design.
The microwave power from the main slot radiators is passed to the inlet microstrip line. Microstrip conductors are made on the bottom side of the dielectric substrate, enhance electromagnetic coupling MICROSTRIP feed with the main slit emitters. Thanks stronger inductive coupling MICROSTRIP feed with the main slit emitters and regulation of communications Mat with each main slot radiator separately, it becomes possible to expand the operating frequency range of the antenna and improve the technical characteristics of antanifotsy the operating frequency range.
Then through the transformer impedance, performed at the inlet of MICROSTRIP, microwave signal fed into the feeder.
1. Slit strip antenna leaky wave with circular polarization, comprising a dielectric substrate on the lower metallized side which made feeding microstrip line having a spiral shape, and the upper metallized side of the main slit emitters, twisted in a spiral around the geometric center of the antenna and including straight and curved segments of different lengths, characterized in that on the upper metallized side of the dielectric substrate between the main slit emitters made additional slit with less electrical length than the electrical length of the main slot radiators, additional slots are not connected with the main slit emitters and made in the form of concentric arcs located around the geometric antenna centre or in the form of segments of spirals.
2. Slit strip antenna leaky wave with circular polarization according to claim 1, characterized in that on the lower metallized side of the dielectric substrate is made of microstrip conductors, which are connected by one end with the outer turn of the spiral microstrip feed line and pass under the main selev the mi emitters.
FIELD: radio engineering.
SUBSTANCE: printed-circuit board (50) with control diagram is inserted at least in one spline of contour plate in the device containing contour plate (20) of antenna with multiple antenna splines (30, 31, 32) and at least with one control circuit (40) for excitation of antenna contour plate.
EFFECT: enlarging functional capabilities and improving compactness.
15 cl, 4 dwg
FIELD: radio engineering.
SUBSTANCE: planar antenna contains printed symmetrical slot line formed with two identical metal plates which are connected to each other with bonding strip on one side and arranged on one surface of insulating substrate on the other surface of which there located is a piece of signal strip line. Antenna aperture is formed with a piece of divergent printed symmetrical slot line, which is a continued part of the piece of printed homogeneous symmetrical slot line of conductor.
EFFECT: designing broadband antenna capable of simultaneous equal radiation and reception of longitudinal electromagnetic waves and transverse electromagnetic waves with one aperture via separate channels loosened between each other, with low nonuniformity level of matching characteristic, with simple and high-technology construction.
37 cl, 42 dwg
FIELD: physics; radio.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to radio engineering, particularly to slotted waveguide antennae, and can be used independently or as a component of a phase antenna array (PAA) with mechanical scanning in two planes or electronic scanning in the E-plane and mechanical scanning in the H-plane. The device consists of a length of waveguide with longitudinal slots made on its wide wall and lying on different sides of axial line. The technical result is achieved due to that, the length of the rectangular waveguide has a flat-topped section with dimensions forming the outer contour on the wide wall a1=(0.45±0.05)λ0 and on the narrow wall b1=(0.26±0.05)λ0 and forming the inner contour with dimensions of the wide wall a2=(0.27±0.05)λ0 and the narrow wall b2=(0.15±0.05)λ0, where λ0 is wavelength in free space. On the wide wall there are metallic edges with radiating slots, where the edges are a continuation of the narrow walls of the outer contour with height equal to λ0/2 or greater, and the length of the radiating slots is greater than λ0/2. Dimensions and displacement relative the axis of the flat-topped waveguide are selected based on the required level of the signal radiated from each slot, and comply with the condition for minimal change of the level of signal radiated from each slot in the given frequency range.
EFFECT: reduced size of the waveguide in the E plane.
2 dwg
FIELD: radio engineering.
SUBSTANCE: proposed flat cavity antenna, which includes a first low cavity resonator with a partially transparent wall and a second resonant cavity with communication holes, which differs in that the second resonant cavity, is installed inside the first resonant cavity. The first resonant cavity contains the first plate, the first and second volumetric cells, and the second plate, made with emitting holes. The second resonant cavity is made in the form of a coaxial resonator with open ends; slots are made on the outer conductor of the coaxial resonator, the outer and inner coaxial conductors are connected together with a short-circuiting switch. The second resonator is connected with the feeder line.
EFFECT: small sizes of antennas, good antenna matching with the feeder line, low level of lateral and rear emission, low level of cross polarisation emission, high efficiency of the antennas, low losses of electromagnetic energy in the feeder line, low antenna noise temperature, high level of electromagnetic compatibility, aesthetic look.
11 cl, 9 dwg
FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: emitter of superhigh frequency electromagnetic waves for hyperthermia includes the quarter-wave resonator based on non-symmetrical microstrip transmission line, which consists of dielectric base, screen conductor, emitting conductor and input coaxial plug. The input coaxial plug is installed outside the thermo emission zone of electromagnetic emission from the emitting conductor and radiation field of the source of γ-irradiation, and plugged to the emitting conductor and screen conductor of the microstrip transmission line via L-shaped filter, which includes the strip powering line in power point of the quarter-wave resonator and container.
EFFECT: efficiency of radiation effect on tumor is increased.
2 dwg, 1 tbl
FIELD: printing antennas with double polarization with power from commutation field located on electronic board.
SUBSTANCE: printing antenna having at least one grounded layer with emitting aperture, positioned under which is conductive layer isolated from it by dielectric layer with power field of antenna emitter, which is connected to emitting aperture and made symmetric relatively to its axis and connected to two power lines positioned symmetrically relatively to this axis. Power lines with simultaneous powering of power field in phase and counter-phase allow to realize two antenna polarization directions.
EFFECT: prevented parasitic radiation and ensured possible operation in broad range of frequencies.
2 cl, 12 dwg
FIELD: small-size and high-efficiency antennas for mobile communication devices and handsets.
SUBSTANCE: proposed resonance-tuned multiband microwave antenna radiating in high-frequency band as well as in one or more lower-frequency bands has electricity conducting grounding plane on one surface of insulating substrate, conducting stripline on opposite surface of insulating substrate, and feeder line. Curved slit is made in grounding plane that has feeding end connected due to electromagnetic coupling to feeding end of stripline and loading end connected due to electromagnetic coupling to loading end of stripline. This slit is resonance-tuned and radiates in high-frequency band. Additional electrical conductor connected to grounding plane functions as its extension on loading end and is connected due to electromagnetic coupling to slit in lower-frequency bands so that slit is also resonance-tuned and radiates in lower-frequency band or bands.
EFFECT: reduced size of antenna and impact on its operating characteristics near user's head or body.
44 cl, 54 dwg
FIELD: radio engineering, communication.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to horn radiators which are part of spacecraft antennae, as well as methods of making said radiators and methods of connecting components which encircle each other using an adhesive when one component is made of composite material and the other is made of metal. The horn radiator is in form of an assembly unit consisting of two components: a pipe with a mouth piece and a weld neck flange, connected by an adhesive such that the end surface of the pipe is the seating surface of the flange, wherein the flange has radial through-recesses having an inner side and an outer side, as well as recesses on the neck of the flange. The method of joining components, where one component encircles the other, is characterised by that at the point of connection on the encircling part - the flange, there is a band made of threads saturated with an adhesive, wherein the threads are wound with a force, and recesses are made on the flange.
EFFECT: high technological effectiveness of manufacture and high strength in freeze-thaw temperature conditions.
2 cl, 4 dwg
FIELD: radio engineering, communication.
SUBSTANCE: disclosed is a lens antenna for use in high-directivity radio relay systems, capable of electronically controlling the main beam of the beam pattern by switching between horn antenna elements, lying on the flat focal surface of the lens. Electronic beam scanning enables beam adjustment during primary adjustment of receiver and transmitter antennae and during small changes in spatial orientation of radio relay stations due to various external factors (wind, vibrations, compression/expansion of parts of the bearing structure due to temperature changes, etc).
EFFECT: high directivity while providing a continuous sector of scanning angles, and high efficiency of radiation and, as a result, high gain of the lens antenna used to establish a radio connection.
23 cl, 12 dwg
FIELD: radio engineering, communication.
SUBSTANCE: wideband horn antenna array has an open waveguide, having a radiating end and a tail end, top and bottom conducting crests inside the waveguide; behind the tail part of the waveguide there is a conducting frame; between the tail part of the bottom crest and the back wall of the frame there is a gap; waveguide and tail parts of the crests facing each other are parallel to the base. In the back wall of the frame opposite the end face of the tail part of the bottom crest there is an opening for entry of the centre conductor of a communication cable with a transceiver through an insulator. A cable shield is mounted on the back wall of the frame and has electrical contact with the back wall. The concave part of the crest lies near the radiating end of the waveguide and the convex part of the crest connects the end of the crest on the base with the concave part. The antenna array has columns in which horns are spaced apart by a distance close to half the minimum signal wavelength.
EFFECT: reduced weight and size characteristics of the wideband waveguide horn, enabling operation thereof as part of antenna arrays.
2 cl, 4 dwg
FIELD: radio engineering, communications.
SUBSTANCE: in a dielectric conical radiator excited at the side of its truncated top with a single-mode dielectric wave guide, and the base of the cone is a radiating aperture, the angle of inclination of a cone generatrix to its height shall not exceed 5°, and the diameter D of the cone base is selected depending on the required width d0 of the radiated wave bundle on the aperture based on the ratio where λ - length of a radiation wave and ε - relative dielectric permeability of a cone, which shall be within the limits from 2.0 to 2.6. The minimum diameter of the cone base shall meet the ratio and the profile of the guide conical surface from the top to the base is made as linear.
EFFECT: possibility of radiation of an axisymmetric wave bundle of Gaussian type with required width of a bundle, preserving its bundle properties at distances from tens of wave lengths from a radiator aperture.
1 dwg
FIELD: radio engineering, communication.
SUBSTANCE: transmitting antenna module consists of an antenna element, having a dielectric substrate with a metal coated inner surface and a printed conductor, a transmitter board having a transmitter microassembly, a microcontroller, an analogue-to-digital converter and a driving generator; the output of the transmitter microassembly is electrically connected by a jumper to the printed conductor of the antenna element; the dielectric substrate is made from polymer material with relative permittivity less than 6.0, in form of an inverted cup with a recess on the end surface of the wall and is fitted with a cover which is fixed in the recess and has means of fastening to a metal shield; the printed conductor lies on the outer side of the bottom of the cup of the substrate, coated with a protective radio transparent layer and is in form of a metamaterial structure; the transmitter board lies on the metal coated surface of the substrate and is provided with a cable connected to its input, said cable having at the end a connector in form of a USB socket and has multiple conductors; the module has a metal coated opening for outlet of the cable; the latter is passed through a thin-wall metal pipe fasted by one end in the metal coated opening of the module and by the other end which mechanically clenches it, and is sealed at the output of the metal pipe by an adhesive heat shrink sleeve.
EFFECT: improved functional capabilities of the transmitting antenna module and manufacturability of the transmitting antenna module.
FIELD: radio engineering, communication.
SUBSTANCE: antenna comprises split circular antenna elements made of segments of circular planar conducting paths, a gap between neighbouring segments in places of their coupling makes 0.1-0.5 mm, a planar antenna element, formed in the inner circular antenna element, power supply facilities, which include a directional coupler, two pins, four sections of strip lines, connected with the planar antenna element and each with segments of circular antenna elements, the planar antenna element is equipped with four slots arranged from the edge to the centre. Besides, four sections of strip lines are arranged near edges of four slots in a symmetrical manner, and antenna elements and sections of strip lines are arranged on a common dielectric substrate, and the antenna base is made on the outer lining of the directional coupler on the basis of joined strip lines.
EFFECT: achievement of higher compactness and manufacturability of making a multirange MPA, miniatuarisation of a multirange MPA.
4 cl, 18 dwg
FIELD: radio engineering, communication.
SUBSTANCE: slotted waveguide antenna relates to microwave equipment and specifically to slotted waveguide linear antennae and arrays thereof with beam scanning in a plane perpendicular to the lines and can be used in radio engineering systems, including in air-traffic control systems, communication, radar and radio navigation systems, based on both fixed and mobile objects. The antenna includes lines which form an array, having a rectangular waveguide with a terminal load, wherein on the narrow wall there are transverse slits whose spacing is close to half the wavelength in the waveguide, the transverse slits on the narrow wall having ends on the wide walls of the waveguide, the ends of the transverse slits on the wide walls of the waveguide having different elongation on the wide walls.
EFFECT: attenuation of cross-correlation to the level of low side lobes, resulting in high efficiency, gain, low labour input, cost and high noise-immunity of radar stations.
3 cl, 9 dwg
Microstrip Slot Antenna
FIELD: radio engineering.
SUBSTANCE: broadband antenna with a conical (funnelled) beam pattern, comprising a sector of radial waveguide line with an apex angle which defines the given width of the beam pattern in the horizontal (E-plane), excited by a narrow rectangular waveguide with an electric field vector E parallel to the wide walls of the radial waveguide which forms a cylindrical 'aperture', a transition section whose wide walls are in form of parallel toroidally arched surfaces, which form an acute angle with the E-plane, and a radiating mouth whose wide walls are in form of non-parallel conical surfaces bounded by common narrow walls.
EFFECT: design of antennae which form conical sector-shaped beam patterns in space in the frequency band of a standard waveguide.
5 dwg
FIELD: physics.
SUBSTANCE: apparatus for emitting electromagnetic pulses, having two or more flat biconical antennae lying in one plane, and a device for inputting voltage pulses. The distance between vertices of cones is equal to the height of the cones.
EFFECT: avoiding interference of vibrators with duration of the emitted signal, thereby achieving high radiation energy.
2 dwg
FIELD: radio engineering.
SUBSTANCE: flat antenna array of diffraction radiation comprising a grid of guide systems of surface waves, such as a rectangular dielectric waveguide arranged at the angle to a 2D grid of periodical nonconformities of a comb type, and an exciter of surface waves in the form of a compact power divider of waveguide type. The power divider of waveguide type comprises an H-flat waveguide tee with matching elements as a capacitance rod and a matching wedge, two symmetrically arranged serial waveguide-slot power dividers with communication slots of different length, which connect the manifold waveguide with output waveguides equipped with dielectric inserts of various length made as a whole with dielectric waveguides of the diffraction radiation antenna array, the extreme output waveguides have a complete link to the manifold waveguide via a matched 90-degree bend of the waveguide.
EFFECT: compact, technological, flat array of radiators, with high coefficient of antenna surface usage.
2 cl, 4 dwg
FIELD: microwave antenna engineering.
SUBSTANCE: proposed heavy-power feed that can be used as primary feed for mirror and lens antennas of mainly large optically excited phased antenna arrays and is characterized in equal number of directivity patterns in both planes and in reduced level of side lobes in E pane has pyramidal horn with flange that mounts device for horn sealing. Horn accommodates even number of conducting barriers installed perpendicular to vector E and disposed either side of longitudinal axis of horn so that they form central and side sections. Horn sealing device is assembled of internal and external insulating plates of small tgδ and thickness equal to half-wavelength in insulator; they are disposed in parallel to one another and spaced quarter-wavelength apart in air-insulator medium. Internal insulating plate is mounted on pyramidal horn flange through sealing gasket and tightly fitted thereto by means of metal frame and fastening members; external insulating plate is rigidly fixed to metal frame and is held in mechanical contact with internal dielectric plate.
EFFECT: enhanced electric strength of feed.
11 cl, 5 dwg
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters>2006>5>1>319 - 322
journal ISSN : | 1536-1225 |
journal e-ISSN : | 1548-5757 |
DOI | 10.1109/LAWP.2006.878894 |
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Marchais, C.
- Antenna&Microwave Dept., Inst. of Electron.&Telecommun. from Rennes
Le Ray, G.
- Antenna&Microwave Dept., Inst. of Electron.&Telecommun. from Rennes
Sharaiha, A.
Stripline Slot Antenna
- Antenna&Microwave Dept., Inst. of Electron.&Telecommun. from Rennes
Stripline Fed Slot Antenna
ultra wideband communicationantenna radiation patternsslot antennastime-domain synthesisultra wideband antennaslinear radiated far-field phasestripline slot antennaUWB communicationsradiation behaviortime-domain responseimpedance bandwidthultrawideband (UWB) antennaStripline antennatime-domain characterization
ultra wideband communicationantenna radiation patternsslot antennastime-domain synthesisultra wideband antennaslinear radiated far-field phasestripline slot antennaUWB communicationsradiation behaviortime-domain responseimpedance bandwidthultrawideband (UWB) antennaStripline antennatime-domain characterization