Priest Best In Slot Pre Raid Vanilla
- Disc Priest Best In Slot
- Priest Best In Slot Pre Raid Vanilla Extract
- Priest Best In Slot Pre Raid Vanilla Wafers
- Priest Best In Slot Pre Raid Vanilla Ice Cream
Pre-Raid gear allows you to have the list of the best items you can loot in dungeons in order to be ready to raid. Phase 2 to 6 gear is the list of the best piece of gear you can get for your Heal Priest or Shadow Priest, that you will find in raids like Molten Core, Onyxia, The Black Wing Lair, Zul'Gurub, AQ40 and Naxxramas. A problem with these pre raid 'bis' lists, are that they are based on healing only (and to be even more specific, spamming Heal rank 2). There are very few fights in early raiding in vanilla where all you do is spam heal rank 2. Most fights require you to dispel some as well. Most of this gear is pretty bad for a fight like Lucifron. Aug 24, 2020 Shadow Priest Pre-Raid Best in Slot Gear (BiS) - WoW Classic The Pre-Raid BiS list has been updated for Phase 5. By Phase 5 of World of Warcraft: Classic, gear can be acquired from multiple sources without ever stepping foot in a 'Raid instance', which includes 20-man Raids such as Zul'gurub and Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. Priest Healer Pre-Raid Best in Slot Gear Guide 7.2. Molten Core Best in Slot List for Holy and Discipline Priests Molten Core and Onyxia are part of the first Tier of Classic and will likely be your next step in gearing after the pre-raid setup.
EDIT #4 (2019-04-21):Recommended Gear for Holy Priests in Shadowlands What is the BiS Holy Priest gear? With many different sources of gearing and loot scarcity in Shadowlands, targeting your absolute Best in Slot gear isn't entirely realistic; instead, we've created a Best in Slot list from the ideal Holy Priest raid drops found in Shadowlands, from Mythic Dungeons, to help you decide what to prioritize.
Made changes on some gear recommendations, added some and removed others due to research, more theory crafting and an over-all changes in the 1.12.1 warrior META over the last couple of years.The list in its current state has been adapted to fit 1.12.1 gearing choices. If Classic wow ends up using progressive itemization, disregard some of the items listed.The protection META of vanilla has gone through a big shift, away from the old way of thinking about defense and the mis-guided gospel of the def-cap. This is no longer considered the main priority. Focus Lies in balancing EHP/Health pool (basically a mix of defensive stats and health) along side with a higher focus on threat capabilities.
Due to the re-occuring threads on the forum asking for this I thought I'd compose a list of gear-suggestions for Pre-Raid protection warriors. The items are listed in order of value meaning higher up the list is better. Some items can be moved up and down the lists depending on other gear choices.
Specs and talents:
- Standard Prot build (11/5/35)
- Higher TPS impale build (17/3/31)
- Maximum TPS possible build (3/31/17) (The point of this build is to tank in dualwield, spamming BT, Sunder, Revenge and HS to build as much threat as possible). - Mainly recommended for high-end professional players with very good healers, proper consumable usage and worldbuffs.
Note: Anger Management adds a passive 1 rage per 3 seconds tick when in combat, a bonus that was present in vanilla but not added to the tooltip (an oversight by Blizzard). This is an INCREDIBLY powerful talent.
- Enchanted Thorium Helm (BoE, Crafted with BS)
- Helm of Valor (Darkmaster Gandling, Scholomance)
- Gyth's Skull (Gyth, UBRS)
- Golem Skull Helm

- Verek's Collar (Verek, BRD-vault)
- Evil Eye Pendant (Immolthar, DM-West)
- Medallion of Grand Marshal Morris (BoE)
- Stockade Pauldrons (BoE)
- Spaulders of Valor (Rend, UBRS)
- Bulky Iron Spaulders (Mol'Dar and Slip'kik, DM-North)
- Bile-etched Spaulders (Immolthar, DM-West)
- Redoubt Cloak (Gordok Tribute chest, DM-North)
- Shifting Cloak (BoE, Crafted with LW)
- Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape (Stonespine, rare, Strat-UD)
- The Emperor's New Cape (Emperor, BRD)
- Cloak of Warding (BoE, Crafted with tailoring)
- Enchanted Thorium Breastplate (BoE, Crafted with BS)
- Ornate Adamantium Breastplate (Quest reward)
- Deathbone Chestplate (Several bosses, Scholo)
- Kromcrush's Chestplate (Kromcrush, DM-North)
- Breastplate of Valor (General Drakkisath, UBRS)
- Bracers of Might (BoE)
- Fel Hardened Bracers (Summoned warlock dreadsteed-quest boss in DM-West)
- Vigorsteel Vambraces (Darkmaster Gandling, Scholo)
- Bracers of Valor (BoE)
- Stonegrip Gauntlets (BoE)
- Force Imbued Gauntlets (Illyanna Ravenoak, DM-West)
- Cragfists of the Bear/Monkey (Ancient Stone Keeper, Ulduaman)
- Belt of Might (BoE)

- Belt of Valor (BoE)
- Enchanted Thorium Leggings (BoE, Crafted with BS)
- Slagplate Leggings (Quest reward, Searing Gorge)

- Wraithplate Leggings (Jandice Barov, Scholo)
- Boots of Avoidance (BoE)
- Boots of Valor (Kirtonos the Herald, Scholo)
- Master Cannoneer Boots (Cannon Master Willey, Strat-living)
- Shalehusk Boots (Panzor the Invincible, rare in BRD)
- Eschewal Greaves (Quest reward, Orgrimmar/Teldrassil)
Ring #1:
- Don Julio's Band (AV-exalted)
- Myrmidon's Signet (BoE)
- Drakeclaw Band of the Monkey/Stamina (Patroling Drakes, Sunken Temple)
- Band of Flesh (Ramstein, Strat-UD)
Ring #2:
- Don Julio's Band (AV-exalted)
- Myrmidon's Signet (BoE)
- Drakeclaw Band of the Monkey/Stamina (Patroling Drakes, Sunken Temple)
- Band of Flesh (Ramstein, Strat-UD)
Trinket #1:
- Mark of the Chosen (Quest reward, Desolace)
- Force of Will (General Angerforge, BRD)
- Frostwolf Insignia Rank 6 (Quest reward/Exalted AV-faction)
- Vigilance Charm (Immolthar, DM-West)
Trinket #2:
- Mark of the Chosen (Quest reward, Desolace)
- Force of Will (General Angerforge, BRD)
- Frostwolf Insignia Rank 6 (Quest reward/Exalted AV-faction)
- Vigilance Charm (Immolthar, DM-West)
Trinket #3 (Threat trinkets)
- Hand of Justice (Emperor, BRD)
- Diamond Flask (Quest reward, lvl50 warrior quest in ST). Used for fights lasting around 1min.
- Blackhand's Breadth (Quest reward, UBRS).
- Rune of the Guard Captain (Quest reward, Jintha'alor, Hinterlands) HORDE ONLY!
- Quel'Serrar (Quest reward, Foror's Compendium from Dire Maul book with the same name).
- Ironfoe (Emperor, BRD)
- Timeworn Mace (Prince Tortheldrin, DM-West)
- Bone Slicing Hatchet (Maleki the Pallid, Strat-UD)
- Hedgecutter (Guard Mol'Dar or Guard Slip-kik, DM-North)
- Mirah's Song (Quest reward, Scholo).
- Thrash Blade (Quest reward, Desolace/Maraudon).
- The Immovable Object (AV-exalted)
- Draconian Deflector (General Drakkisath, UBRS)
- Barrier Shield (Gordok Tribute chest, DM-North)
- Satyr's Bow (Zevrim Thornhoof, DM-East)
- Gorewood Bow (Quest reward, EPL)
- Carapace Spine Crossbow (Nerub'enkan, Strat-UD)
- Willey's Portable Howitzer (Cannon Master Willey, Strat-living)

Recommended enhants for each slot varies depending on play-style, role (MT, OT), speed of weapon, content being done etc but here is what I recommend in each slot:
+100hp (Libram of Constitution)
+1% Dodge (Libram of Protection)
+5 all resistances (Require Argent Dawn exalted)
+5 Fire resistance
+7 Fire resistance (Depends on content being done).
+3 agi (Dodge, crit and a tiny bit of armor.
+70 armor
+4 all stats
+9 stamina
+7 agi
+100hp (Libram of Constitution)
+1% Dodge (Libram of Protection)
+8% runspeed
+7 stamina
Disc Priest Best In Slot
- Crusader (overall best choice because of the threat potential+15 agi (0,75% crit and 0,75% dodge and a tiny bit of armor. Good for a defensive purpose weapon if you got several)
BONUS SECTION: AoE Tanking (pre-raid).
- Electromagnetic Gigaflux Reactivator (Mekgineer Thermaplugg, Gnomeregan). Great for pulling a large pack and getting some solid initial aggro on them. The use-effect also puts a thorns buff on you that does 5 damage to all attackers for the next 10 minutes (The buff persists even when changing helms).
- Cloak of Flames (BoE).
- Razor Gauntlets (Alzzin the Wildshaper, DM-East).
- Naglering (Golem Lord Argelmach, BRD).
Trinket #1:
- Chained Essence of Eranikus (Quest reward, Sunken Temple).
- Ramstein's Lightning Bolts (Ramstein the Gorger, Strat-UD).
- Hand of Justice (Emperor, BRD).
Trinket #2:
- Mark of the Chosen (Quest reward, Desolace/Maraudon). Basically constant buff of +25 all stats when aoe-tanking large packs.
- Ironfoe (Emperor, BRD). Lifestealing on this one. Proc rate is incredibly high and provide alot more TPS than Crusader does.
- Thrash Blade (Quest reward, Maraudon). Lifestealing here aswell.
- Flurry Axe (BoE). Lifestealing.
Priest Best In Slot Pre Raid Vanilla Extract
Quel'Serrar (Quest reward, Diremaul book). Crusader or 15agi.Shield:
- Force Reactive Disk (300 Engineering required to wear). Thorium shield spike.
- Skullflame Shield (BoE). Thorium shield spike.
- Crest of Retribution (Ramstein the Gorger, Strat-UD). Thorium shield spike.
EDIT #1: If anyone have any comments, suggestions, addition, questions or even proc-data on items/enchants please post it bellow.
EDIT #2: Added a few items.
Priest Best In Slot Pre Raid Vanilla Wafers
EDIT #3: Added bile-etched Spaulders and Stoneform Shoulders
EDIT #4: Added html links for libram enchants and armor kits, changed order of priority.
EDIT #5: Changed TPS value of Lifestealing after further testing.
EDIT #6: Added several specs.
EDIT #7: Added an OT spec with 3/5 imp demoshout since you only need 5/5 if a lock is using CoR on the boss. This due to a comment in Armilus protection thread.
EDIT #8:
Priest Best In Slot Pre Raid Vanilla Ice Cream
Added a bonus section for AoE-tanking gear (Pre-raid).EDIT #9: Added colors to the items listed indicating rarity (uncommon/rare/epic).
EDIT #10: Removed irrelevant talet-specs and changed current ones. Improved demoshout is not really a requirement in current content, even with CoR.
EDIT #11, 2016-03-01: Alcors Sunrazor has now been changed to BoP (changing back to BoE with patch 1.9/AQ release).
EDIT #4 (2019-04-21): Made changes on some gear recommendations, added some and removed others due to research, more theory crafting and an over-all changes in the 1.12.1 warrior META over the last couple of years.The list in its current state has been adapted to fit 1.12.1 gearing choices. If Classic wow ends up using progressive itemization, disregard some of the items listed.
The protection META of vanilla has gone through a big shift, away from the old way of thinking about defense and the mis-guided gospel of the def-cap. This is no longer considered the main priority. Focus Lies in balancing EHP/Health pool (basically a mix of defensive stats and health) along side with a higher focus on threat capabilities.