Neverwinter Utility Slot Ring
Neverwinter Utility Slot Ring, casino post office opening hours, cathy may poker face, free casino wav sounds. Prize pool: 100% up to $5000 + 50 free spins. Bonus. Trobriands Ring; Staff of Flowers; Halaster’s Blast Scepter; Paladin Justicar Enchantments. When getting enchantments, always get the ones with the stats you are lacking in with your gear, boons, etc in mind. For example, if you’ve capped Crit with your gear and boons, don’t get azure enchantments for your offense slots. Neverwinter is a free, action MMORPG based on the acclaimed Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game. Epic stories, action combat and classic roleplaying await those heroes courageous enough to enter the fantastic world of Neverwinter! Rings in Neverwinter currently serve a double-purpose as they decorate both characters and their pets. The reason is simply availability. Since there is a lot more variety compared to other companion gear, pets with Ring Slot are that much easier to equip. At level 60 you could have upwards of five equipment pieces that have 'Utility' slots on them. 'Azure Enchantments' offer an experience boost when placed in the 'Utility' slot. You can stack as.
The Refinement system in Neverwinter got a much-needed update in module 12b. This guide is now updated for mod 16 Underdark.
It is now much faster to refine gear, artifacts, and enchantments. The x2 enchantment events are now gone, but refining is double as fast all the time. You also no longer have to feed artifacts to other artifacts, and the cost of refining enchantments are much lower.
All you have to do is farm or buy refinement and get going!If you learn the ropes of real NeverWinter Astra Diamonds making, farming AD is actually a lot faster than farming RP.
General Refinement Tips
● Always have Dragon’s Hoard / Fey Blessing / Quartermaster’s Enchantments on your utility slots. I also have Makos’ Signet equipped for an extra utility slot when farming. So my set up is x3 Dragon’s Hoard, x2 Quartermaster’s, 1x Fey Blessing. Consider wearing these even after you’ve refined all you’re gear, as you can now use RP to earn AD.
● Bags from Quartermaster’s Enchants should be saved for x2 enchantment events.
● Have a mount with Wanderer’s Fortune. This has a cooldown though so when you see that the Wanderer’s Fortune Proc is going off, you’re not getting items, you can unequip it if you want.
● Invoke the gods when you can for some extra refinement items.
● Most enchantments are still cheaper to just buy on the AH and sell the old one you have instead of refining it yourself.
● When buying refinement off the AH, calculate how much you are paying for each point. For example, an Emerald is 550 AD on the AH on PC right now, it provides 250 refinement. 550 / 250 = 2.2. So you are paying 2.2 AD per refinement which is quite good.
● Identify and refine all rare and uncommon gear.
● Refining and identifying are quick through the Refinement Menu accessed through the gear icon in your inventory.
Whether beginning your adventure, or looking for that extra boost against the foes that Neverwinter has to offer, the unique items in the Neverwinter Packs will aid your efforts! Packs can only be purchased once per account!

Champion of the North Pack
The Champion of the North Pack contains treasures for diehard Forgotten Realms fans. Complete with the Menzoberranzan Renegade race and Heavy Giant Spider Mount, it’s the perfect choice for those wanting to live out their Forgotten Realms fantasy.
This pack contains the following items:
VIP Game Access to the Moonstone Mask - Grants access to the VIP section of the Moonstone Mask Tavern in Protector's Enclave.

Menzoberranzan Renegade - Unlock access to this unique playable race. Like the legendary ranger, Drizzt Do'Urden, you can play as a Drow exiled from the dark elf stronghold of Menzoberranzan, City of Intrigue. Comes with unique racial powers and cosmetic tattoos. Once unlocked on your account, you can make any number of these Drow.
Heavy Giant Spider - Terrorize your foes as you charge into battle atop this eight-legged beast. This item can be claimed and equipped by all characters on your account!
Panther - No journey is complete without a faithful companion, and this Panther is among the best. This fierce and loyal creature will fight by your side, helping you lay waste to all who dare to stand in your path. This item can be claimed and equipped by all characters on your account!
Gilded Moonstone Regalia - This regal outfit will allow you to stand out as one of the upper-class in Neverwinter. This item can be claimed and equipped by all characters on your account!
Champion of the North title – A fitting title to an adventurer so bold!
Delzoun Treasure Box - This level 60 chest is guaranteed to contain an epic weapon or implement with a unique enchantment and special visual effect. This item can be claimed and equipped by all characters on your account!
Dust of Creation - Grants you the ability to create an object out of this air! This item can be claimed and equipped by all characters on your account!
Gond's Endless Coffer of Pyrotechnics - Never allow boredom to settle in - generate an infinite amount of fireworks to keep yourself entertained. This item can be claimed and equipped by all characters on your account!
Neverwinter Utility Slot Ring Lock
Retraining Token (1 per account) - This item will allow you to respec all of your feats, powers and abilities.
1 Extra Character Slot - Unlock an additional character slot on your account!
Dragonborn Legend Pack
Unleash the power of the Dragonborn and become a legend in Neverwinter with the Dragonborn Legend Pack! The Dragonborn Legend Pack contains exclusive access to the Dragonborn race and many items to aid you on your adventures!
The Dragonborn Legend Pack contains the following items:
Dragonborn Race - For the first time in Neverwinter, play as a Dragonborn! Children of Io, the great dragon-god, the dragonborn are a steadfast and honorable people who have thrown off the shackles of their former dragon masters. The Dragonborn is the only race that allows players to add +2 to any two stat categories. They also come with additional racial bonuses including 5% more healing from all sources and a 5% chance on attack to apply Dragonborn Fury, increasing Power and Crit by 3%. Once unlocked on your account you can make any number of Dragonborn.
Neverwinter Utility Slot Ring Binders
Dragonborn Warrior Fashion - For more dangerous situations, this tough outfit is perfect for a Dragonborn preparing for combat. The Dragonborn Warrior Fashion set also comes with a armor transmute item. These are an account-wide unlock. Each character on your account can acquire a Dragonborn Warrior Fashion set and transmutable Head item from the Dragonborn Legend Pack.
Heart of the Red Dragon Artifact - Harness the power of the dragons with this exclusive artifact. Used by the human servitors of the ancient Dragon Empire to enforce the Emperor’s will, the Heart of the Red Dragon allows you to breathe flame! Dragonborn characters can take advantage of their affinity to get even greater effects from this artifact. The Heart of the Red Dragon starts at Rank 60 and can be upgraded to Rank 100. Each character on the account can acquire a Heart of the Red Dragon from the Dragonborn Legend Pack.
Draconic Enchantment - This powerful enchantment draws upon the might of the dragons to add to three separate stats in either an offensive or defensive enchantment slot. This item can only be claimed once through the Rewards Claim Agent.
Ring of Dragon Slaying - This epic ring grows in power with you as you level and causes your attacks on dragons to strike with extraordinary might! This is an account-wide item, each character on the account can acquire the ring. The tooltip displays the stats for the ring at level 60.
Race Reroll Token - What good is unlocking Dragonborn if your existing characters can’t come along for the ride? Be born anew with a Race Reroll Token! Using this token will allow you to change the race of an existing character, while keeping their level and all the riches they’ve acquired along the way. This item can only be used once per account.
Gemfinder Enchantment - Dragons are always in search of greater wealth. Utilizing draconic essence, this enchantment summons Will o’ Wisps as you engage in combat, which will seek out and reveal valuable gemstones for use in refining your items. This is a purple rank 9 enchantment that can be slotted in a utility slot. This item can only be claimed once through the Rewards Claim Agent.
Extra Character Slot - Unlock an additional character slot on your account!
Dragon Glyphs - When slotted into an overload slot, these enchantments embody the power of the chromatic dragons, charging your attacks and defenses with elemental fury. These enchantments are so powerful that they will only last for a limited time before dissipating! These items are a one-time purchase. You will be able to collect one of each Greater Glyph after purchasing the Dragonborn Legend Pack.
Dragon Hoard (30 Slot Bag) - Make sure you’re prepared for all the new items you’ll be collecting for your Dragonborn with the largest bag available in Neverwinter! This bag can only be claimed once per character.
Dragonborn Ceremonial Fashion - These leather accouterments are traditionally worn by Dragonborn for special occasions and ceremonies. These are an account-wide unlock. Each character on your account can acquire a Dragonborn Ceremonial Fashion set from the Dragonborn Legend Pack.
Bahamut Regalia - This set of five powerful items, blessed by the metallic dragon god Bahamut, will grant you many boons and advantages when battling evil dragons. This item can only be claimed once through the Rewards Claims Agent.
Heirloom Pack
The Heirloom Pack contains precious items that have been passed down through many generations. Luckily, they can be yours and grant you the power sealed within them.
From levels 5-50, this pack will grant you new heirlooms every 5 levels. The types of equipment you can receive are:
Main-hand Weapons
Offhand Weapons
Defensive-based Rings
Offensive-based Rings
Mercenary Companion – This Mercenary has decided to lend his weapon to your cause and follow you on your adventures.
1 Extra Character Slot – Unlock an additional character slot on your account!
Retraining Token (1 per account) – This item will allow you to respec all of your feats, powers and abilities.
Greater Bag of Holding (1 per account) – This ordinary-looking bag is bigger on the inside. Adds an additional 24 inventory slots.
Redemption Instructions
To retrieve your items in-game, you must complete the tutorial as well as the quest “Rags to Riches”. After that, talk to the Reward Claims Agent in Protector's Enclave.
Excited about these packs? Let us know on the official Neverwinter Xbox Forums!
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