Navigator Of The Seas Casino Poker

Play Blackjack at Royal Caribbean's casino and try to win a few ways including getting a higher hand than the dealer without going over 21. Come join in on the fun with tons of fun casino cruise ship games and world class entertainment. My review will focus on the casino aspect of the ship as well as my overall opinion of the trip. The Navigator of the Seas is in the Voyager class, and is similar to the Independence of the Seas. Casino Credit is available to players for gaming on Norwegian Cruise Line. The application process is easy, there is no fee to apply and differed payment terms can be arranged. The minimum application amount is $5,000.00. A personal check is required onboard to activate the credit line. Feb 15, 2010 Just arrived back today from a 7 day caribbean cruise on the Oasis of the Seas, the worlds largest cruise ship. Anyway, I won't bore anyone with details about the ship or the holiday itself other than mentioning the casino facilities, and especially the electronic poker tables (3 of them) that make up the separate poker room.